Ray of light and How to Hold
by Mary Szydlowska on the choreographic programme at the opening of the new Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw @msnwarszawa 27-31.10.2024 and workspace Brussels,
Performed with Federico Protto @faeioudaeiou Valentino Skarwan @valentino.skarwan Osamu Shikichi @osamu_shikichi
Sonic rooms by Mlondiwethu Dubazane @sound.seeeker
Process doula: aleks borys @aleksborys

as the Lasagna women by Nahtaniel Moore at Level five in the framework of Tripsitting.
Photo series
by Anne-sophie Guillet 2022

installation event with Pieter Jan Ginckels at NRW-Forum Dusseldorf.

“The Diabolical”
painting series by Trong Gia Nguyen filmed in La Patinoire Royal/Galerie Valerie Bach. 2022

Photoseries by
Anne Sophie Guillet 2020

What attention forms. 2019

Collaboration with architect Jacques Ligot, Movements; Mooni Van Tichel, Timothy Nouvak, Eimi Leggett. Performed at BOZAR
"What attention forms" a project produced in the framework of Artists in Architecture. Re-Activating Modern European Houses, a project co-funded by the creative Europe programme of the European Union in the framework of the European year of Cultural Heritage 2018(EYCH), along with the Centre for fine Arts Brussels ( BOZAR), Fundacio Mies van der Reheard the University of Architecture Naples-Federico II.
In the process of 2 months, the dancers and the architect visited the Strebelle House designed by Andre Jacqmain, and carefully observed the mergence of design and movement as an active residential house that the architecture presents. Jacques Ligot then created the white frames that were made in exact measurements of parts of the houses that we were individually attracted to.
The four bodies on the hall would retrace our trail through the house, placing each frameworks to the placing that would be in the house, reenacting the bodily feeling around those frames.
Somnia 2019

As the role of Titania,
Sponsored and presented as part of Kunsten festival des Arts 2019
Together with Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Jolente De Keersmaeker, forty-four dancers enter into a dialogue with the natural landscape, where factors such as sound and silence, light and dark, distance and proximity become a matter of perspective, and where both new possibilities and boundaries emerge. In search of an ecological aesthetic they leave behind the four walls of the theatre for a performance that requires few theatrical interventions and fuse seamlessly with the natural environment. The woods and the night sky offer the perfect backdrop for the ‘dreams’ to which the title Somnia refers. The first of the dreams is Somnium, a novel by the seventeenth-century astronomer Johannes Kepler, in which science and science fiction merge to show that the planets revolve around the sun in an elliptic orbit. The second dream underpinning the performance is A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Combining Kepler and Shakespeare, the dancers explore the intersection of text, dance and music playing with gravity while guided by fantastic stories in a space-time far beyond the borders of urban theatre. Somnia is a project with the final-year students of Generation 12, graduating class of 2019.
Photoseries by Maria Baoli 2019

Photo; Maria Baoli
Published in Neo2 Magazine
Styled by; Pirrer Gorilla, Arthur Avellano,
Make up by: Dorothy Vandermaele
Dear Deer

Creation by Wai Lok Chung, Mariana Miranda, Eimi Leggett
Premiered : Dag Van De Dans, Brussels 2019
Dear Deer is an installation piece mixture of costume interactional movements and improvisation. the piece explores the feeling of insecurities, fear for intimacy and our basic defence mechanism that we develop over the years. It tackles tactilities within individual, while connecting to the element of nature, understanding the potential of nature being part of ourselves.
Dear dear will return with its second instalment Bear bear at Generation Twelve Festival 2019
Mooni Van Tichel
Collaboration with Mooni Van Tichel as part of Studios course at PARTS.
performed on June 2020. Unfortunately it was never premired publicly.